Tuesday, September 4, 2007

You Were Born Rich Book Review

It's been almost a month since I have written another book review. In this time, I have read 5 more excellent books, which means I better get my act together before things get seriously backlogged.

You Were Born Rich, while having nothing to do with trading or investing, does belong in this section nonetheless. Bob Proctor, the author of the book, explains some ideas and concepts that you may have never heard before, that may seem far fetched, but will help you motivationally and financially.

This book is in the same category as the new book, "The Secret", which seems to be gaining popularity, and is a book you may have heard of. I have read this book as well, and I prefer Bob Proctor's book, personally.

The basic premise behind this book is that thoughts affect things. In other words, what you think of in your mind has a physical effect on the outside world. Bob Proctor calls this The Law of Attraction. Bob Proctor quotes Andrew Carnegie to help illustrate this idea:

Any idea that is held in the mind
that is either feared or revered will, begin at once
to clothe itself in the most convenient
and appropriate physical forms available."

Whether or not you believe in this law, this book is highly motivational and inspiring. This book will discuss how to set goals, develop a winning attitude, and how to develop a personality that is conducive to getting what you want.

Bob Proctor writes in a simple easy to read way, and provides many intriguing anecdotes and examples to get his point across. I highly recommend this book.

I will provide you with a electronic version of this book, legally and free, if you write a comment on this blog. Be sure to include your email address in the comment, or send it to: DannyMerkel@hotmail.com

Overall Rating: